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Top 6 Homeschooling Tips

Whether you're a seasoned homeschooling parent or just starting out, it's always great to get ideas and learn how others make homeschooling work for them! Here are our top 6 tips to keep your homeschooling experience as stress-free as possible!

  1. Have a designated space for learning. As you've probably experienced with working from home, having a designated workspace helps you get in a good headspace and ready to work. It's helpful for kids to have a space to go to and know it's time to learn. This can help prevent any battles between wanting to play versus learning time.

  2. Create a schedule. Sticking to a schedule is another helpful way for your kids to differentiate between playtime and learning time. Having consistent times for learning helps them stay focused on the task at hand.

  3. Adapt to your child's learning style. There are so many different types of learning styles! One of the benefits of homeschooling is being able to completely customize a learning environment that fits your child's needs. Remember why you started your homeschool journey and keep that at the heart of everything you do.

  4. Find work or play groups. It's true that it takes a village! Whether you need a break, need to talk, or just need help burning off some of your child's energy, work or play groups are a great way for everyone to socialize and to be in a new environment.

  5. Take the learning outside. Fresh air and sunshine are so great for our health and our focus! It's great to take your lessons outside by exploring, going on field trips, or even just doing your normal daily lesson plans in the backyard. Mixing up your surroundings is a great way to keep things exciting.

  6. Go easy on yourself. Most importantly, know that homeschooling is hard! It's easy to feel like we're not doing the best that we can as parents but always give yourself some grace. No one has it perfectly figured out but your patience, love, and persistence is key!

What are your favorite homeschooling tips or hacks?? Comment below, let's talk about it!


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