GIGIL STEM Kits is honored to announce that our STEM Subscriptions have earned
the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award®. Having been rigorously evaluated by a panel of MCA evaluators, our STEM Kits have been deemed to be among the best products for
The MCA evaluation process uses a propriety methodology in which entries are scored on a number of elements including production quality, design, educational value, entertainment value, originality, appeal, and cost. Entries are matched to evaluators in the MCA database. Evaluators are bound by a strict code of ethics not only to ensure objectivity but also to ensure that the evaluation is free from manufacturer influence. The five evaluations are submitted to the MCA Executive Committee for
final review and approval.
"Our aim is to introduce families and educators to best-in-class products and services,” explains Dawn Matheson, Executive Director of the Mom’s Choice Awards. “We have a passion to help families grow emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Parents and educators know that products and services bearing our seal of approval are high-quality and also of great value. The MCA evaluation program is designed to incorporate the expertise of scientists, physicians and other specialists; but we also engage parents, children, educators, and caregivers because they are experts in knowing what is best for their families.”
We are grateful to MCA for taking the time to review our kits! We strive to make STEM education engaging for kids and provide activities that encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.
If you're interested in learning more about our STEM Kits, take a look at our Box of the Month page! For any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at hello@gigilstemkits.com.