The Rocket Man STEM kit is one of our most popular kits! Your Jr. Scientist will learn various types of chemical reactions and discover what it takes to ensure stability while building. Let's take a look at the activities in this box!

Bottle Rocket
Build a rocket and watch it launch into the sky! This activity is one of our most popular experiments, and for good reason. Your Jr. Scientist will start by building their bottle rocket. It has to be strong and able to stand on its own. Then you'll mix the 'fuel', which teaches the fun reaction of baking soda and vinegar. When everything is together, you're ready for take-off! How far can your rocket blast into the sky?
Each of our STEM Kits are offered in 2 age groups - Pre-K to 1st grade and 2nd-5th grade. Here are the activities in each kit...
Pre-K to 1st Grade
Balloon Rocket
Bottle Rocket
Straw Rocket
Fizzy Egg Rocket
Moon Putty
2nd to 5th Grade
Balloon Rocket
Bottle Rocket
Slingshot Rocket
"Colorfuel" Rocket Challenge
Space Lander Challenge
We can't wait for you to blast off into space with these hands-on STEM activities!